Secret Lanthanides in Englisch
Secret Lanthanides in Englisch
The Lanthanides are elements of the periodic system with atom number 57 till 73. They have strong electro-magnetic and light properties.
Jan Scholten has written an outstanding work of homeopathy, which will have a lasting impact on medicine, comparable to that of the Organon. He not only presents us with the long-hidden key to the therapeutic use of the rare earths, but also presents a well-rounded methodology to identify all other remedies of the periodic table, the far-reaching consequences of which we are only just starting to glimpse. After “Element Theory” gradually began to trigger a revolution in homeopathy at the end of the 20th century, this new book crowns this development at the beginning of the new century.
It is the most concentrated, rounded, and best work by Scholten. Here he presents the discovery of a completely new remedy group, which decisively enrichens the treasure trove of homeopathic remedies. The Lanthanides will soon become just as irreplaceable for modern medicine as they have become in modern technology. A major theme of these lements is self-determination and the inner need for independence, which also reflects a major issue of our time. In 79 case histories, Scholten shows how the therapeutic results in many contemporary illnesses that are very difficult to treat can be improved by these remedies: auto-immune disease, migraine, dyslexia, various eye diseases, chronic rheumatism, Crohn's disease, and colitis ulcerosa are just some of the indications.
The book deepens our understanding of the entire periodic table. Just the general section at the beginning is worth a book in its own right, and leads us via Element Theory to the symbolic language of symptoms, a new way of evaluating clinical cases, new case-taking methods, a first-rate general knowledge chapter, and an assessment of various methods of proving remedies. The book is rounded off with a chapter on proving symptoms of all Lanthanides and a particularly useful tabular section with an overview of all the themes discussed in the book. An absolute masterpiece!
All described Remedies are available at Remedia as Lanthanide-Kit
512 pages, bound
512 Seiten, geb., ISBN 978-90-74817-16-5
inkl. 10% MwSt